Anthony Hicks
We might stand a better chance
if you were a gull and I was a penguin.
When life’s thick waves wash over us
with creases of black treacle,
pasting our feathered layers
in a gel of toxic molasses,
we could dispatch the science
that makes us latch each other’s throat
in a death grip clutch.
I’d serenade your molecule
and you mine. No matter
that our poles weren’t aligned.
We’d frolic in the bubbly surfactant
sleight-of-hand that makes us free,
the thick heels of our Bolero-booted atoms
would dance a breathless flamenco.
In an ionic bond of fire and ice,
we’d preen and swoon
on Earth’s edge
like peacocks bathed in Klieg Light.

Anthony Hicks
Anthony Hicks is a writer and editor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and is an MFA in Writing candidate at Lindenwood University. His fiction and poetry have appeared in Memphis Magazine and the Arkansas Review. He is the author of the poetry collection, Voices in the Light. He has an undergraduate degree in print journalism from Arkansas State University.
Photo by: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign/Michelle Hassel