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Incessant - 3 Kwansaba

Takier George

I dread the moment my daughter cries

In anger at the fact that she

Is just like me—a blank woman

Wishing to become someone other than herself

Hating the veil that’s been passed down

Her dear twenties will paint me monster

My cursed sorrys will swell my mouth


I’ve seen it and felt it before

Lifted my hand to my mother’s face

Brush to cheek to mouth to brow

Yet no amount of color could hide

Her—the mother beneath the made monster

I deserve what comes to me, tenfold

My body will be full of sorrys


The first owed to my mother’s art

To the woman she is at night

When her bed is covered in colors

Fingers stained with pure joy and talent

The blank woman she became after me

Left behind, along with thought of others

I already mourn whoever I am now.


Takier George

Takier George is a full-time student at Howard University majoring in English (with a
concentration in creative writing) and a minor in tv and film production. She was a part of the D.C. Youth Slam team from 2019 to 2021. George has been published in the Sterling Notes Literary Journal, The Hilltop, The Amistad, the Roi Fainéant Literary Press, and the Sigma Tau Delta Howard Journal. George is the vice president of the Sterling Allen Brown English and the Editor-In-Chief of the Sterling Notes Literary Journal. She is currently working on her first chapbook.

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